Survivor Series: How to Survive Pharmacology

By Nur Atiqah Md. Osman 

Everyone must be really excited, nervous and  has clueless at the same time for this new semester.
Everything seems to be new. New subjects.  More relaxed semester. Take it easy everyone!  I will try to give glimpse regarding this subject and how to tackle them.

What is Pharmacology?

A  study about DRUGS obviously!  
You’ll be learning of their mechanisms, mode of actions and the receptors it acted on as well as the effects of drugs on the body.

What Are We Learning?

For this semester the topics that will be covered are PHARMACODYNAMICS, PHARMACOKINETICS and CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics are the essence of pharmacology. You’ll be grand if you really master this from now. The most interesting part and giving you finally-so-called-future-doctor-knowing-my-drugs feelings is Cardiovascular Pharmacology. You’ll be learning about types of drugs and their mode of actions trying to deal with broken hearted issues ( oops :P )
It might sound quite boring, but trust me! Never skip even A WORD from the lecture notes including the IMAGES.   Some of the questions in the Summer Exam requires you to label the diagrams from the lecture notes, some even ask about the types of serotonin receptor acting either at ligand gated or voltage gated ion channel.  Make sure you know how to make any comparison, for example muscarinic receptor and nicotinic receptor.  Also, make sure you pay very good attention for the clinical trials steps. Keep that in MIND!  :D

Any Additional Reading?

Personally, I didn’t actually use Rang and Dale for my 2nd year Pharmacology. I survived with lecture notes, tutorials,  computer assisted learning and all the scribbling during the lectures. If you want to get 90 and above for your pharmacology, you have to read Rang and Dale ( I don’t get 90 okay, obviously :P) That’s will just be grand if you plan to start using it from now to make yourself familiarise before entering to third year ( I used Rang and Dale, Lippincotts, BNF mostly for my 3rd year Pharmacology).
Study group helps me A LOT! This is where I discovered I had  this wrong understanding  on certain concepts. And the best thing, you’re not only helping yourself but your friends as well. You will remember better if you start to teach people about it. :D


Make sure you go through again all the tutorials given. Some of the questions are actually taken from the tutorials. Be truthful to yourself! If you don’t understand anything,  clear your thoughts up ASAP! Approach your lecturers and friends to seek for the answers, or perhaps MR GOOGLE? 
I would suggest prior 2-3 days before the exam, you should have a study partner somehow or perhaps your housemate where you can start blurting out whatever topic you’re done revising in a simplified manner. This helps me as well as for my last minute study, to get things stuck in my brain longer.
Lastly, make sure you DO the sample questions on blackboard, and the PAST YEAR PAPERS too. Some portions of questions were taken from those question bank. Again, make sure you read and understand every word in the lecture note! And diagrams too!
 Please come to ALL the lectures. There’s no point of getting first class honour if you can’t even respect someone who is giving you the knowledge simply by saying his lecture is just too boring, ye know? I kept dozing off L.  If you feel sleepy,  get the pen and start scribbling whatever he is saying. That’s one of the ways that keeps me awake in class. 

Stay positive! Work hard, pray hard everything will just be GRAND!
May He bless every effort that you put in.  Let’s study for the sake of Him 
Do contact me on Facebook if you have any further questions!

Nur Atiqah Md. Osman is a Third Med in UCC.